lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Greek Mythology

"Greek Mythology" nire 6. mailako ikasleek egindako lanarekin sortutako Power Point-a da. Hasieran, gelarako sortutako aurkezpena, "slideshare"n publikatu nuen ta "arrakasta" izan du. Pare bat aldiz, mezuak heldu zitzaizkigun esanez baten batek "embed" klikatzen zuela gure lana nonbaiten erabiltzeko asmoarekin.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

My 5- year-old students´ next story is " The Very hungry Caterpillar".
I found this puppet show in youtube.

And also a nice video about the story told by a little girl.

Pixton. Comic Creator

Pixton. Comic Creator.

My students enjoyed using this comic creator. It was a nice way to practise writing short dialogues or stories.


Voki is an useful tool that can be used in order to practise pronunciation in class.